I'm pretty optimistic about the future in 15 years. We've made great leaps in medical technology and space travel. SpaceX has made great strives in being able to get to Mars and I have little doubt in my mind that we will be able to at least get another probe to Mars and even start scoping out areas for colonies to begin. We also have great advancements in the medical fields with the ability to grow organs in labs and have them ready for transplants when needed. We also are coming up with better ways to treat cancer and while we wont be able to find a complete cure, we will be able to treat it better than chemotherapy. Everyone is also worried about climate change and while there are many argument to be made about whether or not we can reverse it, we have made progress in making cleaner energy a better and more reliable source of energy and in 15 years, it might be the most stable and cost effective alternative. And just to jump the shark, I think that in 15 years we'll have floating cities on the water. I just think that it would be a great experience and I'm sure some crazy person is willing to fund it.
What will the future look like in 50 years?
I'm sure we'll have some kind of progress on a Mars colony and that NASA and SpaceX will be the leading lines. I am sure that we will have the ability to make organs in labs and that if you need a transplant, it will be available for them and it will be the most cost effective method and safest. I also think the genetically modifying babies on a semi large scale will happen. My best guess is that it will start in China because the Chinese government will fund anything remotely similar to that. I also predict that clean energy will make up a majority of energy sourcing purely do to how fast we are beginning to see the rapid development today. And just to jump the shark again, I predict that the floating water cities will work and we'll see some more floating cities on water that will go around the globe.
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